Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) #14491
The cost of private psychological services is not included in the provincial health insurance. However, most extended medical insurance plans provide coverage for such services. It is advisable to contact your insurance company to find out the available coverage options for you. We will give you receipts for the services you receive, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if applicable.
Useful inquiries to make when contacting your insurance company:
What is the amount of coverage I have per calendar year?
How much do you cover per session (e.g., 100%)? Is there a copay?
Does my plan include coverage for services provided by a Registered Counselling Therapist Candidate or Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)?
Do I need a referral from a physician to be eligible for insurance coverage?
Can my plan be directly billed by the service provider?
How should I submit my claim for reimbursement?
If you are enrolled in a post-secondary institution, it is probable that your school provides insurance that includes coverage for psychological services. We highly advise you to inquire with your school regarding your insurance coverage, as many plans partially or fully cover the expenses for assessments and counseling sessions. Additionally, you might qualify for financial assistance through your school's accessibility services. We urge you to contact your school to explore the funding options they offer.
Note: ALL university or college students will be considered for an additional 15% discount with or without extended health coverage.